Mega Party Videos!
Near the end of our Party, I remembered that the school's camera (which I was using) takes videos! So I took some video clips while I could! Unfortunately, I don't have editing capabilities for these, so they aren't brightened or cropped or anything. Sorry. But they're still pretty cool!
Aimee breaks the bungee to beat Amy!
Olivia wins by default - her opponent experiences problems!
Aimee vs. Jackie: Apparently Jackie fell, and I guess Aimee fell from laughing at Jackie!
Gina and Dani work out some aggression.
Kim & Eric race; Jeff tries to get in the picture; Donavon plays director.
Liza move quickly, but Claire won't give up!
Mara holds her own, but Donavon can't keep his feet!
Once again, Donavon falls for Mara.
I think this is Jamie beating Stephanie.
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